Legal support creating a business in Spain as a foreigner

Are you considering creating a business in Spain? Spain is a demanded territory for investors because of its market and the current acts that have been past in the last year facilitating the creation of new companies. The good weather and the lifestyle are also alluring.

The process of setting up a business in Spain is not complicated, but it has to follow every step needed before each public authority with the documentation required in the exact time limit. In order to get your business created without any surprise you should rely on professionals in this area.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about getting a business started in Spain as a foreigner, but you would need to contact us so we can help you doing it right.

Who is entitled to start a business in Spain?

Almost anybody can start a business in this country. There is no difference whether you are a foreigner or a local citizen. Nonetheless, it is true you are required to be a legal resident in the country and we allow to work here.

If you are part of the European Union (or other countries with the same rights in Spain), you can get a NIE (foreigner identification number) and you are already entitle to work and live in Spain. So you can start your own business too.

If you are not from the European Union, you have to ask for a visa. It can be a working visa or an entrepreneur visa.

Which kind of companies can I start?

You can create a brand new business here or you may extend your business opening a branch or a subsidiary here. There are many ways (with very different responsibilities) of doing so: you can work as a freelance or solo trader, create a limited liability company, a branch office or even a stock corporation. You have to find with your lawyer the perfect option for your situation.

How to start the company?

If you are becoming a freelancer or a solo trader is really easy: you get your identification number and ask to start the adventure. However, if you are creating a company is going to be more complicated. We will go step by step.

1. Getting a NIE (Foreigner Identification Number)

It is required by the Spanish laws to get this number. It is used to identify you and for paying taxes. You will need it to create the company.

2. Certificate of “no coincidence”

You have to ask if the name of the business is available in Spain. You need to get a certificate of “no coincidence”.

3. Writing the bylaws

You write the bylaws of the company paying attention to the Spanish laws and incorporating any requirement.

4. Opening a bank account

A Spanish bank account is mandatory. It is also needed a minimum of 3.000 € deposit for the creation of the company if it is a Limited Liability Company (SL) the one you are creating. If it is a branch of your current business abroad, you do not need to make any investment, but you do need the bank account anyway.

5. Constitution

With all the documents you already have, you will go to the Notary and sign the public deed of the constitution.

6. Register the company

The next steps have to do with registration of the company. You should do so in the Tax Agency, Social Security and the Commercial Registry. You will also get the final Tax Identification Number (CIF) for your company.

In Spain, you have the possibility of having a digital certificate. This will make any process easier, because you will be able to sign important papers from your own computer. It is recommended you get it as soon as you can.

Bear in mind that everything explained above does not come without a cost. You will need to pay several taxes for almost every step. It is true that they are not huge expenses, but you will need to be paying them at the same time you are filling all those documents and submitting them in the right time. The best option in order to not be bother with the administrative stuff, as well as being calm knowing that everything is in expert hands is hiring the lawyers that know you to do it.

We have English speaking lawyers specialised in Business Law and extensive experience setting up companies in Spain. We work in a flexible way and without any unnecessary costs. Our rates are close, so you will know from the fist day exactly how much it is going to be to start you know business here in Spain. We will help you with everything you need. You just need to let us know you we can do it!


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Planta 3 C
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